Product Photographers in Birmingham
Product Photography Birmingham
Professional Commercial Images Of Your Products
Concrete frame screws are a specially threaded screw featuring hard notched threads and high-low threads. The main purpose of the notches & threads is to help eliminate shavings from the hole you’re drilling as the screw drives into the material without plugs.
The Hero Shot needed to highlight the unusual twisting thread known as high-low thread and also versions that were eye catching enough in the "Instagram Format" for use on social media.

The product had a medium level of retouching retaining some of the natural manufacturing marks, these are, after all - building products and do not warrant unnecessary post production hours.
Maximising multi channel image use,
Image files were also supplied in a layered format with clipping paths, reprinted onto self adhesive vinyl and used for company vehicle livery and banner promotions.I will take your e-commerce and amazon seller business to the next level with product photography services that are specifically designed to help you sell fast and grow your business rapidly.
Hi resolution photography is a standard which allows for unlimited possibilities when it comes to the promotion of your products, I make sure your final images are perfect for enormous reproduction either for 48 sheet posters or 40ft vehicle livery.
Services also include: shoot management, retouching and creative picture post production.
CALL OR TEXT: +44 (0)7836 337293 Email: [email protected]
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